Welcome Home Saturday Back To School

Hello friends! Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Home Saturday, a weekly series where several of my friends and I gather every Saturday on our blogs to share what is inspiring us around the web. Plus, catch a peek into what’s been happening with me lately.

Welcome Home Saturday

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This post contains other affiliate links too for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Happenings at Home

Did you have a good week? We sure did!

Both girls headed back to school this week. Grace is now a freshman in high school (all the feelings) and Crosby is in her last year in elementary school, 5th grade. It was a busy but exciting week for us all. Soccer and dance are both in full swing now and so it is game on for Fall schedules around here.

Crosby and Grace first day
See the lanterns? Scroll down to see them in my latest save or splurge!

I am not returning to the classroom and have now officially “retired” from teaching after 20 years. As you may or may not know last year I took a year off and after that year off the Lord has shown me that he has a new adventure for me. Full time blogging! That means I get to do this as a job. Talk about dream job status for me:)

Hudson starts back at Colorado State for his junior year of college and Easton is working full time and starting back up his grad school courses.

I love that we all live so close and get to hang out regularly. All of us are able to celebrate my mom’s birthday tomorrow! That’s right, your favorite Tracy from Tuesdays With Tracy (and of course mine too) had a birthday this week. I am beyond blessed to call her my mom. She is truly the best mom and I can’t even put it into words how much she means to me.

Happy birthday mom!

Mike and I have been enjoying wonderful walks each evening now that the weather is starting to cool off a bit. And we even got to go to a fun “suitcase” fundraiser party last night after Grace’s soccer game. It’s called a suitcase party because there is a raffle to win a trip that leaves the night of the party! We didn’t win, ha! Its a good thing because we have Ed Sheeran concert tickets for tomorrow. We are taking the girls (it was one of their Christmas trips from last year). I’ll let you know how it goes:)

Mike and I at the suitcase party
My dress is from Amazon and is SO comfy! Fits true to size.

This Week On The Blog

On Monday I started off with a New Monday Must Haves. This week’s round up was all stuff that own except for one item. Did you stop by to see them all?

Monday Must Haves

Then on Wednesday I sent out an email that shared my top 3 posts having to do with hydrangeas. I will share them here for you as well.

Links and Loves

I have some fun links to share with you all today. Did you know if you click a shopping link in one of my posts and buy something (even if it’s not the same item I have linked) I earn a commission? Pretty awesome right? I am always thankful when you shop through my links. It helps keep this little blog afloat.

  • My new favorite dress!
  • You won’t believe the price of these. I just ordered them:)
  • Trying to find a spot for this in our home.
  • Aren’t these a unique way to hold your kitchen utensils?
  • Moved this rug to our family room!

Save or Splurge

You might have noticed the save black lanterns up above in the picture of the girls on their first day of school. I have had them for many years and they are one of my favorite Walmart purchases. Shop collage HERE.

Save or Splurge
Shop lanterns here!

Want even more curated lists? Visit my Amazon Storefront where I have everything organized and linked for you in one spot!

Coming Up On the Blog

Next week I am working on a peach recipe, a lavender sugar recipe and possibly some garden markers as a printable. We shall see what I can get done! I always have high hope and then something comes up. Ha! Can you relate?

lavender sugar
Lavender Sugar

Welcome Home Saturday

Scroll down to see what my friends and I shared this week on each of our blogs!

Welcome Home Saturday: A Weekly Home Decor Digest

The Tattered Pew / The Secret Tip for Drying Hydrangeas

You can thank me later for my secret tip for drying hydrangeas!

She Gave it a Go / 5 Ways to Cozy Up Your Kitchen this Fall

SheGaveItaGo Fall

White Arrows Home / Easy First Touches of Fall

tatertots & jello / Fall Mantel and DIY Felt Leaf Garland

Fall Leaf garland on mantel Tatertots & Jello

I’d love to have you hang out with me some more! Feel free to follow along with me on any of the platforms linked below.

LTK | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Amazon



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  1. So after 20 years you have had enough of teaching, not an easy job now days if it ever was. I haven’t been to a concert in a decade or more, I hope you have a wonderful time

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