Big News For Our Family

Well friends we have some pretty big news to share with you all! Honestly I can’t even believe I am typing this. After living in our current home for the past 14 years…we are MOVING! We are in the process of moving across town.

I know, crazy right? I am still pinching myself because honestly, we had absolutely no plans to move. This all happened so fast and I can’t wait to tell you the story.

The Back Story

A little back story first. If you didn’t know I married my husband Mike, 14 years ago. I became an instant stepmom to two sweet little boys who were 3 and 5 at the time. (They are now 21 and 18 which I can hardly believe!) When I married him he already owned this beautiful home and we decided to stay in it for the boys . So I was able to move right in. This blog so far has been a wonderful way to document how we have worked together to turn this builder grade home into one full of character and charm.

Hale Navy: Casual Summer Home Tour

But deep down inside I have always longed to buy a house of my own with my husband. Mike and I have always talked about it and dreamed about picking out a house together but the timing was never right. Yes we looked here and there but nothing ever felt right.

The girls came along and we became a family of 6. We finished our basement and made it work in this home! We actually have been working hard to pay off this home and planned to move to a sweet little beach cottage once all the kids were gone. Years down the road!

God Had Plans

But God had other plans!

One night while my 12 year old Grace and I were laying in bed we were peeking at our local real estate page and up popped this gorgeous home! I mean… the first picture captured me instantly. It was of the front door! As we scrolled through the pictures together oohing and ahhing I quickly knew that this house was special. The good news was that it was listed as “coming soon”, which as I’m sure you know is a good thing in this crazy market, meaning there was still time. Mike was already asleep but I shook him a bit and mentioned it to him and how I thought it was amazing. He doesn’t really remember that part of course. Ha!

Our Big News
A peek at our new house. Photo Courtesy of Forge and Bow

I literally couldn’t get it out of my head. So the next morning I brought it back up to him as we were having our coffee together in the backyard. He took a look at the pictures and liked them and was intrigued! ( insert fist pump) I was so excited that he was actually interested. We called our good friend and realtor, Matt and asked him about the possibility of looking at the house. This was huge for us…we never go look at houses! But you guys, the pictures were just so incredibly beautiful and I couldn’t shake this feeling in my heart taht we needed to see it.

In all honestly I thought once we saw it in person we wouldn’t like it. We prayed about it and asked our families to pray as well. And as you know, we LOVED it! And as you will read, God had his hand in it the entire time. ( I will share more details soon)

Looking At The House

Mike and I looked at it last Friday afternoon and then we took the kids back to the open house on Saturday. They loved it too! We chatted with the owners, who redid the entire home and were listing it as well, and really liked them! They just happened to have had an HGTV pilot show. Be still my heart! They own Forge and Bow here in town and are well know for their beautiful work on homes. We put an offer in and prayed some more. We heard back Sunday evening that they had accepted our offer. We were shocked…and some other neat things happened that I will share soon. All I can say is God is so good!!

What’s Next

So obviously this has been a quick and unplanned adventure. This process isn’t complete yet. We are praying this goes through and trusting God through this crazy fast process. Now we are getting our house ready to sell. I have so many emotions right now and most of them revolve around leaving our amazing neighbors and friends.

So thankful to have my mom here helping us as she is a selling and moving pro and I have never done this! We are trusting God and praying our house sells. So if you are local and know someone looking to buy I can put you in contact with our real estate agent. And if you are a praying person we would love your prayers!

Stay tuned to see what happens because I have so much more to share about how God has had his hand in this from day one. I always share first with my blog subscribers to make sure to subscribe to get the latest updates!


We sold our house!!!! Read all about it HERE.



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  1. Yay, yay, yay! I’m so happy you are finally able to share your exciting news with the world. Your home is beautiful and I have NO doubt that it will sell quickly. Cheers to new adventures!

    1. Awww, thanks Jen! I am so excited to share it as well!!! I still have to pinch myself. Thanks for the prayers and support. Looking forward to our new adventure!

  2. Wow, what news!! Cannot wait to see the new house and the plans for renovation. Good luck and God Bless!

  3. Wow, that’s how it happens many times.

    When we were selling our house to build the one we are in now. When we were getting ready to list it. We had many people tell us they always said if our house went on the market they were buying.

    We had budding wars.

    God works in mysterious ways.


  4. Excited for you and your family ! Sometimes we don’t know God’s plans until it happens ! Know that I am praying for you and your family as you make this incredible move !

    1. Thank you! I can’t wait o have you over to help me decorate and play in the yard and garden together! Appreciate all of your love, support and prayers!

  5. I am so happy for you. Finding the right place doesn’t happen that easily unless God is watching out for you!

  6. Oh my goodness, Girl! What a crazy and exciting story! Can’t wait to see more photos. And I’ll be sure to continue to pray that all goes smoothly! Congrats!

  7. So so excited for you!!🥳You look so happy!! I can’t wait to hear more and to see more of your new home!😆And can’t wait to see how you make it your own!! Congratulations!!🎉😍❤️

  8. It is so true that if it is Gods will it will move fast and incredible things will happen. My husband and I both were from Oklahoma, as is all our family. We had to move away in 2003 and we thought we would never get to move back home. Then out of the blue, my husband got a call from a old friend that asked him if he would be interested in interviewing for a new job. He flew back to Oklahoma and got the job immediately. He had to start in 2 weeks, so I drove with him to get him settled in a corporate apartment and I flew back to Indiana to get the house ready to sell and start packing, we put the house on the market and had 4 offers the first day. I could not believe it! I know it was Gods will! God knew I needed to be home, my Mom died a year after we moved back and my Dad died a year after that and I was there to settle their estate. Then my sister had lung cancer and I was there for her and she is 3 year in remission. I thank God he knew I was needed back home.

    1. Wow I am in tears reading this. God is so good in all things! What a blessing that you had that time with your mom and dad and sister! Thank you for sharing your story…so thankful for a God who goes before us!

  9. Soooo stinking happy for you and Mike! God’s plans are always beyond our wildest dreams. Can’t wait to see all the beautiful pictures of your new home. 😘

  10. Congratulations! Sounds like another awesome example of God’s timing and His plans for us!

  11. Kelllyyyy!!!! I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to see more pictures!!! 😍 I’m in love just after seeing the front door too!!

    I just have one question: don’t you remember my dream??

    The one where we lived across the street from each other?? Hahaha


    1. Aliya the only thing that would make this move even better for us would be you living across the street! Ha! Thank you for your excitement and I can’t wait to show you more:) XOXO

  12. So happy for you Kelly! I’m sure you will make your next home a haven of blessings around you and you have left your current home as a warm abode for a new family to come a grow in it just as you did. I’ll be excited to watch as you share all about the new place and adapting to a new neighborhood! Congratulations!!

  13. All I can say is WOW! Yes, God is always good, even when we don’t know it. Congratulations to you and your family. I know you all are on cloud nine. You earned it. 💗

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