Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling


As of the time I’m writing this there are 24 days until Spring and I can’t lie, I am counting down! It has been freezing here in Colorado and I am craving all things spring and colorful inside since the outside is no where near Spring feeling! To hold me over I have been doing some early and colorful spring fireplace styling!

Come take a peek!

Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling

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Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling

When it’s cold outside I usually find myself turning to decorating my home. Can you relate? By now I’m sure you know that my two favorite colors to decorate with are blue and green. They marry so well and honestly make me so happy.

our blue and green colorful Spring fireplace styling ,Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling

I recently found these blue and green striped pillows with the cutest ruffle edging and knew I needed them. I found them at H& M Home and they were $9, so it was honestly a no brainer for me. They rotate their colors and I’m not sure they are still available in this color. But I did find some other fun striped pillows here!

blue and green fat striped pillow with ruffles

Stripes are trending but I believe they will always be in style. Are you using stripes in your decor?

side view of spring fireplace, Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling

Faux Flowers Until Spring Arrives

While I wait for it to warmup outside I am content with displaying my faux paper white flowers. Honestly they look so realistic and don’t smell bad like some of the real ones do. Ha!

faux paperwhites in a large vase

I set a stack of books on this cane table I found at a flea market a few years ago and wanted to add some visual height. So I added my faux paper whites to this white color block vase and loved the look!

stacked books

Don’t they look realistic?

overhead view of faux paper white bulbs and flowers

Spring Mantel Details

After Christmas I was feeling like I wanted to simplify things so I left the mantel pretty bare. I added these two floral candlesticks that were a gift from my mom a few years ago. The candles are battery operated ones and have a remote!

floral candlesticks on mantel

Then to balance the other side of the mantel I added this blue ginger jar that I found at a flea market! A few years ago I placed faux tulips in it and it looked so pretty. I might add them again. You can see what that looked like HERE.

simple blue ginger jar on mantel

In the actual fireplace insert I love to keep my wicker demijohn collection year round. I love the texture it adds!

wicker demijohns in fireplace insert

Colorful Spring Mantel Art

Now I need your help! I have two of these large pieces of “art” that I made with my mom last year. (DIY tutorial blog post hopefully coming soon) And I can’t decode which color to keep up on the mantel.

I have the green frame you have seen in the picture above and here too. And then I have a blue framed one.

green art
close up of green art
blue art
close up of blue art

Let me know which one you like best by leaving me a comment below with your vote! Thank you, I’m torn!

Colorful Spring Fireplace Styling

I hope you had fun getting a peek into one little spot in our home. This was just the first spot I have gotten my hands on in our home while I wait for Spring. Stay tuned for more coming soon.

side view of spring fireplace

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  1. Love your spring mantle area. You can’t go wrong with either art piece but I’m leaning toward blue!

  2. Besides zinnias-hydrangeas are a fav-so I prefer the blue.
    Cold in PA too. My daffodils are beginning to sprout! That’s a positive!

  3. The green is most interesting and unexpected. The blue ties into farmhouse or granny chic. Which is safe, cozy, and predictable

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