Jeffrey Court Renovation Challenge Week 2: Entryway Demolition

Demolition of our entryway is in full swing my friends! It’s crazy to think that just last week I was putting together my previous blog post on my entryway inspiration and this week our tile is gone. No joke, demolition took all of maybe 4 hours. It’s about to get real my friends!Jeffrey Court Renovations Challenge Week 2: Entryway Demolition.

Follow The Progress: week 1 / week 3 / week 4 / week 5 /week 6

The Challenge

Let me back up a bit in case you missed week one. Recently I found out that I was one of 12 bloggers chosen to participate in the Jeffrey Court Tile Renovation Challenge! I know, so cool right? You can read more on week one by clicking HERE for all the details on my tile plans.

Jeffrey Court Fall Challenge Blogger Bio
(Bio & picture courtesy of Jeffrey Court website)

Entryway Challenge

Honestly, I know nothing about laying tile. You may be thinking then why are you in this challenge crazy lady? My reply would be… I love a good challenge and I’m super competitive and of course I love design and decorating! Ha! Plus, I am never opposed to getting help…especially when beautiful Jeffrey Court tile is involved. 😉

Contractor to the Rescue

So, having no tile experience, the first and most important item I needed to check off my list for this challenge was to find someone who was willing to help me with demolition and tiling in a short time frame. I asked around and put a request out on Facebook for any personal recommendations for somebody who could lay tile. I had several people reach out to me and I contacted a few different people and after telling them about the short time frame I had I was told no more than once. However, one of those awesome contacts recommended to me was a guy named Lou. I gave him  a call.Entryway demolition in progress!

Guess what?  Lou said YES, and the best part was that he was intrigued by my idea for the entryway as well as the competition itself. He works with his son Isaiah and they are a local contractor team here in town and their business name is Mercado Inc.  They love to be creative and they love a good challenge! After meeting them I knew we were a match made in heaven! (or at least DIY heaven!) I plan to learn a bit of tiling from them and they are totally cool with me taking pictures the entire time!  Blogger dreams do come true!

The Before

So, this is what our entryway looked like before. Decent…but boring.


Entryway Demolition

It is a rather small entry space. However, as you can see this small space was all tile and needed to be removed with jackhammers. Lou called and asked if he could come the next day after we met to do demolition and prep work so he could be ahead of the game once the tile arrived. I was already liking his style…ahead of the game is always a good thing, right?Entrway demolition with a jackhammer.

Small Problem

The only problem was that he could only come at 8 am the next day. You may or may not know that I teach morning kindergarten from 8 to noon every day, so I needed to figure out a plan to take pictures so you all could see the progress. This might have bummed me out for about 10 seconds (I really wanted to be there for the demo!) but my awesome neighbor Nicki was able to pop over and snap a few pictures of the demolition for me. Thanks Nicki!Entryway demolition in progress.

Luckily it all worked out because this post would have been pretty boring without pictures, right? I am so thankful for her! It already looks so different without the tile! They also were able to lay the orange foam underlay in preparation for tiling.Entryway demolition underlay is in!

Entryway is ready for tile!

So now we wait for the gorgeous Jeffrey Court Tile that I picked out to arrive! I am SO excited to share it with you guys. Hopefully you will stop back by next week to see the progress and that is also when you can start voting for my project! I will give you all those details next week. You can also follow along with my entryway journey over on Instagram and Facebook!

The To-Do List

*Hire a contractor 🙂 DONE

*rip out existing tile DONE

*decide on tile design and word for the “doormat” (in the works!)

*lay tile and grout

*style the heck out of my entryway and spruce it up a bit

*Bonus: rip out carpet in playroom and carpet on stairs

*Pray that I can get this all done in six weeks while being a wife, mom, teaching morning kindergarten and all the others things currently on my plate! 😉 STILL PRAYING!

Thanks for stopping by and I would love to chat with you… so if you have any questions for me please leave them in the comments below. See you next week!




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