My 2025 Seed List

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My 2025 Seed List

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2025 Seed List

Round One of my 2025 Seed List is finally here! Of course, I’ll probably keep adding to it as we inch closer to planting season—sometimes you just can’t help collecting more seeds than you planned. This year, I’m branching out beyond my beloved zinnias and including a few varieties I’ll be winter-sowing, too. Don’t worry, I’ll label everything clearly below so you know which seeds are going where. So far, I’ve placed orders with Park Seed, Johnny’s Seeds, Amazon, and Seed Needs, and I’m sure I’ll also grab a few more packets from Walmart, Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, Whole Foods, and my local garden center. Honestly, you really can’t go wrong with zinnia seeds—there’s a variety for everyone!

See last year’s seed list here!

me and my e-book printed

My Focus This Year

This year, I’m especially looking forward to growing bigger, show-stopping blooms. The State Fair and Benary’s Giant varieties are at the top of my must-grow list for their huge, gorgeous flowers. I’m also exploring some new-to-me seeds, including the whimsical Zinderella series and a newly released variety from Johnny’s Seeds. And because I love a bit of garden nostalgia, I’ll be focusing on some heirloom-quality seeds that seems to be more disease resistant as well. Each variety I mention below will be linked, so you can follow along—or even join in—on my quest for the perfect garden lineup!

If you are interested in growing zinnias you will want to check out my Lazy Girl’s Guide to Growing Zinnias e-book! It’s downloadable and will walk you through the entire process from seed to flower. And if you want a more of a personalized experience then you might love our monthly community membership, BLOOM!

Here is my list

*Note: this list will most likely expand as we get closer to planting! Winter sowing seeds are at the top and non-zinnias.


My Seed List

  • Cosmos-Double Click Mix (Johnny’s)
  • Gomphrena Audray Mix (Johnny’s)
  • Poppies- Raspberry Ripple Poppy & Great Scarlet (Park Seed)
  • Snapdragons-Cannes Mix II-III (Johnny’s)
  • Sweet Peas (Flower People) all varieties
  • * State Fair Mix (Park Seeds, Seed Needs, Johnny’s)
  • *Queeny Formula Mix (Johnny’s)
  • *Benary’s Giant Mix (Johnny’s)
  • * Zinderella Punch, Peach, Red, Purple, Lilac, Orange (Park Seed)
  • * Ballerina, Aurora, Agave (Johnny’s)
  • * Zinnia Mix (Earth Science)

Seeds from Small Businesses

  • Flower People– I have her entire new seed collection & her sweet pea collection
  • Basket of Flowers Farm (Specialty Zinnia Seeds) I bought her All the Beauty Mix (Bulk 200 min seeds)

Park Seed

This company has been fun to get to know over on Instagram. I fell in love with the Zinderella variety while visiting a local trial garden in town and shared about it in my stories on Instagram and Park Seed sent me some seed packs. I can’t wait to try them and let you know what I think. They are so helpful and even have an incredible app. It’s called From Seed to Spoon and it helps you by your location with weather updates, when to plant, layouts for garden beds, identifying bugs and so much more!


These are the seeds that started it all for me. I recommend these to everyone and especially beginners! I love that they are affordable and are mixed with fertilizer and soil amendment. I get them every year!

Also from Amazon I have gotten seeds from Seed Needs! See all of them here in this LIST! I am most excited about their State Fair blend.

2024 seed list
Bouquet: Oklahoma pink, Oklahoma white, Oklahoma Salmon, Unicorn, Alpenglow and Victorian Wedding


Shop Johnny’s seeds HERE. This is my second year ordering from Johnny’s seeds and last year their Oklahoma seed variety did the best for me but were a bit smaller than I had hoped! I will definitely grow them again but might take a break this year and try their newest varieties along with some heirloom larger blooms listed below!


I was so excited (and nervous) to try Erin’s specialty flowers last year. They did not disappoint! They were a bit on the smaller side though as an FYI. Shop Floret zinnia seeds here! I saved a few packets of each variety linked below and will grow them again! However, sadly she is not selling seeds this year.

unicorn mix

Seeds for Containers

I planted several containers of zinnias and found seeds at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot and a few other spots. I always look for container varieties for my pots. I wrote an entire blog post all about, Lazy Girl Tips for Growing Zinnias In Pots.

two flowering zinnia pots

My 2025 Zinnia Seed List

That’s it for this year! Let me know if you have any questions. And don’t forget to check out my Lazy Girl’s Guide to Growing Zinnias e-book!

I’d love to have you hang out with me some more! Feel free to follow along with me on any of the platforms linked below.

LTK | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Amazon



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  1. I started growing zinnias last year and they did wonderful! I will be expanding my gardens this year and look forward to seeing the colors burst across and around my vegetable gardens.

  2. I really enjoy your site! The seed envelope template is amazing. I made several for Christmas gifts, with zinnia seed from my garden. Just an FYI Floret is not selling seed in 2025.

    1. Thank you Capi! I am so glad you enjoyed the envelope template:) And yes I just heard they aren’t selling seeds again, so glad I saved a few! Happy growing!

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