Solar Lantern Lights


I recently found an item that brings magic to our patio and garden in the evenings so I couldn’t wait to share it with you!

Beautiful Solar Lanterns

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I don’t know about you but I am savoring our summer nights.  You guys it has been SO hot during the daytime here, but oh those summer nights! Luckily it does cool down in the evenings and we enjoy being out back.

How charming is this little solar lantern?! 

So here it is in the daytime soaking up the sun.

And here it is in the evening.

Isn’t it so cool how it scatters petals of light everywhere!  I liked it so much that I ordered two.

Shop Solar Lanterns

Lazy Girl Approved

It’s no secret that I love to decorate and I am that Lazy Girl, ha!  Well, I just set them around the garden and let them sprinkle their beauty, how easy that!

Solar lantern on our raised beds!
Aren’t they so charming next to my expandable willow fencing?

I set the patio table for dinner the other day and  I will be sharing that with you soon. Look how the lantern pops against the tablecloth!

I’m loving these lanterns!

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I’d love to have you hang out with me some more! Feel free to follow along with me on any of the platforms linked below.

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  1. I really like those lanterns! I haven’t even thought about decorating our porch yet, but I think this Fall I’m going to try to get it ready. We do so much porch sittin’ out there, why not decorate it and make it more inviting with these cuties!! Thanks for the ideas Kelly!

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