Tuesday’s With Tracy April Dreams: Travel and Gardening

Tuesday's With Tracy April

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Hi Friends!

This is Kelly’s mom joining you for my once a month visit on Tuesday’s with Tracy.  April has been typically teasing as far as the weather goes here in Colorado. Below you can see last Saturday.

And this is today.  As you can see things are beginning to green up. Isn’t that sky amazing?!

Travel Planning

Usually during the winter months I get the bug to travel.  I have a milestone birthday coming up later in the summer… ok, so I will be turning seventy.  I’m such a dreamer and have always wanted to go to Paris with our girls and grand girlies.  

Kelly and her sister said “let’s do it!”  So who was I to say no? Ha! Paris is always a good idea!

Larry and I have been twice (I actually can’t believe that).  We were there five years ago while traveling with some friends. The first visit was short and I missed seeing the Eiffel Tower at night so that was a must on trip number two.  

We will actually start our adventures in London.  I have brought Kelly and her sister Lindsey up having tea and scones so why not go to London?

Packing for Travel

So, as a part of my dreaming, I have been planning what to take on this trip.  I probably overthink this part but that’s because when we travel overseas we only take a carryon bag.  We don’t want to lose our luggage on the way over. 

It’s a challenge to get enough clothes in a 22” carryon suitcase so I try to use a capsule wardrobe. 2-3 pairs of black pants and 5-7 quick dry tops. Below are some ugly photos of what I’m thinking of taking.(Please ignore the dirty clothes hamper!)

Ok, so I’ve  already broken my rule of black pants, ha! The wild blue pants are polyester lightweight quick dry and super comfy. The white top is also polyester.  The light blue linen button up jacket will go with everything.

Ok, major rule breaker here! Yellow linen pants, yikes.  But the black pants hanging below will also go with all the tops.  Everything I take can be washed and dried so it’s easy to either send it out to be cleaned or we can hit a laundromat if needed.

I follow a site on Facebook that is great for ideas on what to pack for travel:

“Travel Fashion Girls (New 2023 Group)”

One either loves or hates linen, I happen to love it. Wrinkles don’t bother me and the more the item is washed, the smoother it gets. I have been wearing these Old Navy wide leg linen pants for years. I wash and dry them and they do shrink up in length so I take that into consideration. Short ankle length pants are in!

I have this Tommy Bahama Linen jacket in light blue.  Most of their linen is preshrunk.

(Link Tommy jacket)

The No-Iron Collection from Chico’s is one of my favorites.  The two linen shirts I am taking are from a couple of years ago but here are some similar ones. All wash and dry, and preshrunk.

I have a longtime uniform for flights.  Black athletic shoes, black pants, black and white striped top, sweater, and weather depending, a coat or parka or vest.

I’ve had this striped shirt for years and it is now back in stock.  Wash and dry!

You can visit my full travel essential list HERE!

For me, half the fun of travel is planning and dreaming. I hope you have enjoyed some adventures, we can always dream.

“Oh the places you’ll go!”

Dr. Seuss

Garden Planning

Here in Colorado we really can’t plant anything until middle of May. But I love to dream and plan. I love to see what beauty I can find for inspiration. Below I will share some photos from people I follow on Instagram and Facebook

In the first photo I love the purple Alliums.  My friend Barb has these in her garden.  She has gifted me with some from her garden and this week Kelly will be going to her home to dig some up.



What a beautiful planting of Hydrangeas and Cosmos!


I have the Rosanne Hardy Geraniums shown in the foreground below and I love their all summer blooms!



Gorgeous tulips in raised beds and I love how she has place old antique headbands on one end.


An evening garden.



More Alliums, with red Knockout Roses.


Delphiniums and Snapdragons. How cute are those upside down pots.


Will my garden look like any of these?  Absolutely not!  But one can dream!

“The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, hard work and deep pleasure, spiritual practice and the material world. It is a magical place because it is not divided.”

Thomas Moore

I hope you are enjoying the beauty of springtime.



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  1. There are many places in the world I would love to visit but accept that its not going to happen, so I just enjoy posts like this. I also like pretty flowers

    1. Hi Aussie Jo! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. I too enjoy traveling to places and gardens through what I read. Cheers!

  2. My husband and I are taking a cruise down the Oregon and California coast this fall. I have no idea what to pack. It will be cold in Vancouver (Canada) and I assume warm in California. We gave our hanging baskets out and they are doing very well. I don’t see any of our neighbours with any yet, but daffodils and tulips have come and gone along with cherry blossoms.

    1. Pamela that cruise sounds wonderful! My suggestion, layers!
      Enjoy those hanging baskets!

  3. I’m excited about your trip, love it that the whole family is going. Pretty amazing you can make it work. So wise just to take a carryon & mix and match galore. You have style!

    Gardens are lovely, you always have an eye to make everything beautiful ❤️
    Great job as usual.

  4. Hey Tracy,
    I’ve always wanted to go to Paris. What fun that you and your girls are going together. It was such a special trip. I also loved seeing the gardens. Have the best week.

    1. Hi Rachel I’m glad you enjoyed this post. There will be more garden posts coming soon!

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