Tuesdays With Tracy February Fun

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Hello Friends!
I’m Kelly’s mom, Tracy, and I love visiting with you. I’m happy you’re here for my monthly Tuesday’s with Tracy. The last week of January we were still in sub zero temps but, hello to February, and thanks for bringing much warmer weather and melted snow. Today it was 62 degrees (Fahrenheit). Yay! Most of the pond was frozen over during January.
“Some people are worth melting for.” Olaf, ‘Frozen’
Who would you melt for? In February we are reminded about love and that February’s chill cannot freeze the warmth of love.
Winter is cold and life can be so hard for us at times. Sometimes in the midst of struggle it helps to have a little fun. Fun can help pull us up.
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Charles M. Schulz
We sometimes play Mexican Train Dominoes or Five Crowns for fun. Sometimes we play with friends when we travel and sometimes we play with local friends.
One of my dear friends that we play games with gave us a wonderful Christmas gift. She made us a beautiful quilt with our Christmas photo cards on it.
I mean, how FUN is that?! And she knows I like blue so she put this gorgeous blue winter fabric on the backside so I can use it all winter long.
You may have seen Kelly’s Lazy Girls Garden Club emails, or posts on Instagram and Facebook. Currently we are purchasing flower seeds and have been doing some ‘winter sowing’ of seeds. You can check out her blog post here on Winter Sowing.
Here in Colorado we can’t do any planting until Mother’s Day in May. Well ‘winter sowing’ and planning is in full swing with us. Next month I will show you some photos of what my ‘winter sowing’ looks like. Below are some of the seeds I am ‘winter sowing’ in milk cartons.
The seeds below were a gift from my sister. She visited The Butchart Gardens last summer and brought these back for me to try.
Those of you who read my January Tuesdays with Tracy saw my winter coffee table tea tray. Well I decided to change a few items for the month of February. I have an Emma Bridgewater tea pot covered in hearts, along with some cups that I decided would bring some fun to having tea in February.
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” C. S. Lewis
The tea spoons were a gift from my daughter Lindsey. The yellow sugar pot was also a gift from a friend. The Angelina cream pot was purchased on a trip to Paris. The tea timer from Fortnum & Mason was also a sweet gift from a friend. What wonderful gifts that make tea time fun.
Since I have a lamb on the tray I thought just for fun, I would pull out my lamb tea cozy. Just a little whimsy for fun.
Did you notice the book that the lamb is sitting on? I love to pull out this book in the winter.
It is a beautifully illustrated book about the Robert Frost poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”.
I’ve linked some similar items for you.
We often enjoy cheese and crackers. If you like a mild creamy Brie you will enjoy this cheese. Sometimes I don’t like the odd taste of the rind on
Brie but this one does not have that. If you’re looking for a fun cheese to try, this one’s for you.
A few years ago Kelly and I made some little felted pillow hearts. So I piled them in a bowl on the kitchen table. You can read that tutorial here.
I don’t know about you but I’m ready for Spring. I’m planning on putting a wreath on my black front door. Which one of these two fun wreaths should I choose?
Last month I shared some items I contemplated purchasing at a local vintage flea market. Well it’s time to reveal the fun item that came home with me.
I absolutely loved reading all your fun comments.
So…let me explain my purchase. It was a sentimental purchase. I am very fond of Greyhound dogs, and we had a little Italian Greyhound rescue for seventeen years. His name was Bubba and he was loved by everyone. I still miss him so why not bring home a large cement Greyhound Bubba.
I am a firm believer that we should have something funky and fun in our homes that would cause people to say, “what was she thinking?” Well, she was thinking, let’s have some fun. Bubba will probably end up nestled in some zinnia flowers in the garden come summer, won’t that look fun!
February Fun
Life can be so challenging at times. We must do our best to have some fun, and love others well.
I hope you have moments when you feel the tangible presence and love of God. He cares for you, and so do I.
Love that you found a Bubba, the little dog with a big dog attitude:). Fun
He was indeed a little dog with a big dog attitude! Ha! Great memories.
I always enjoy your comments.
I cannot believe I guessed the cement dog statue wrong! It must weigh a tonne. Loving the pretty hearts on the tea cups and pot. Nice to ‘see’ you again this month.
Pamela I absolutely loved your comment last month! It just made my chuckle. That cement dog does indeed weigh a ton! Thanks so much for commenting, you made my day 🙂