Tuesdays With Tracy Goodbye July

Tuesdays with Tracy Goodbye July

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Happy July Friends!

Tracy here to share my July ponderings on the pond. We’re officially in the dog days of summer. Temperatures here in Colorado have been in the high 90’s. 

This month let’s talk about flowers in my garden and a fun app I’ve been using.


Well, you all know I’m a devoted mom, and follower of Kelly’s Lazy Girls Garden Club.  So, of course I planted Zinnias this year.  And boy am I glad I did because the rest of my yard has been on the struggle bus this summer. We’ve dealt with grasshoppers, grubs, beatles, just to name a few.

So get ready for Zinnia overload haha!

First I will show what I grew in pots and a wheelbarrow. The old blue wheelbarrow was planted with Semi-Dwarf Pumila Mixed Colors by Ferry-Morse. It turns out their location actually needs more sun but these tiny beauties are doing pretty good.

Below, in a large pot are Zinnia Peppermint Stick Mixed Colors from Burpee. At 30” these are probably too tall for pots but I just threw them in to see how they would do.

Below in two pots are Zinnia Mini-Zini Mixture by Ferry-Morse.  

One of the pots on our deck has Calibrachoa in it and I would definitely buy those again. As you can see below, it is a great annual that just keeps blooming.

My poor Annabelle Hydrangeas have struggled this year.  In the spring I realized that there was landscape paper nearly suffocating them so I cut that way back and tried to amend the soil.  I’m sure it helped but probably needed to be done sooner.

So let’s get back to the Zinnia’s!  Below I planted some Unicorn Mix in the ground. These started from seeds from Floret Flower Farm. They are breeding some beautiful flowers. These are just now taking off as their days to maturity can be three months.

In just a couple of days they have developed more layers. Also in that same area I planted from seed Floret’s Victorian Wedding.

If you look closely at the last photo you can see that the flower heads still have layers of petals nearly ready to unfurl. I learned that from Kelly on her Lazy Girls Garden Club page. I am trying to  wait patiently to cut them!

Below are the ones I planted from a bag of seeds in my raised garden bed. These are from Earth Science and it is a great mix of zinnias.


Some friends recently shared a fun photo app.  It is call PRISMA and it can transform your photos into different styles of art. Below I will show you some fun photos I transformed. This is a photo of some of my zinnias…

And this is it with one of the filters on PRISMA…

Isn’t it cool how they sort of look like paintings?!

Below are some photos from our June trip to London, Paris, and Provence in the south of France.

I will show the original photo and then with the Prisma filter that creates each photo into art.

The granddaughters and I with a sweet painting of the Queen.  We all went to tea this day.

From Rue Cler, a wonderful pedestrian only street in Paris…

Our family at the Eiffel Tower…

My husband Larry when we were in St. Remy, in the South of France

I could play with the Prisma app all day!  But let’s wrap this up.  

I hope you have had a wonderful month of July. We have enjoyed family dinners on the back patio, some pool time with the girls, and a visit with dear friends.  I love when you can pick up right where you left off with friends from far away.  July you have been a month of blessings…




Jean Wright

May your summer moments be full of peace, contentment, and some cold lemonade!



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    1. Aussie Jo your sweet comments are always so thoughtful and they always bring sunshine to my day.
      Cheers! ❤️

  1. Love the app to make pictures into paintings. Thanks for sharing! Looks like the family trip was wonderful, beautiful family. Gods blessings ❤️🙏

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