Welcome Home Saturday With The Ponds Farmhouse

Well hello friends it’s Saturday and that means it’s time for my weekly Welcome Home Saturday post! Today we have some really fun posts for you as well as an amazing guest blogger joining us. Rachel, from The Ponds Farmhouse is our guest and can I just say that I absolutely adore her? She is sharing an adorable DIY below that you will want to scroll down and check out.

Welcome Home Saturday

Happenings At Home

As for me things have been a bit wild lately…my sweet Gracie girl turned 12 yesterday (how can she be that old?!) , I had a bit of a scare and had to have a follow up mammogram (luckily all is clear…ladies get those done!) and things at home and work have just been super busy.

Thinking about blogging and projects and social media honestly hasn’t been on my mind a lot. So thanks for sticking around as I take some time for myself and my family. I am definitely looking forward to our Spring Break which is in another week!

What I’m Crushing On!

I saw this blog post from my friend Roxanne and I think I might want to try it on my fireplace. What do you think?

I also am in love with these two chairs from Wayfair. Would you pick number one or number two? I am looking at them both with the blue fabric options!

Welcome Home Saturday

And now for this week’s links from myself and my friends! Have fun browsing!

Welcome Home Saturday A Weekly Decor Digest

Sincerely, Marie Designs / 12 Pretty Spring Decorating Ideas

Welcome Home Saturday: 12 Spring Decorating Ideas

The Tattered Pew / The Easy Way To Stencil A Sea Grass Basket

Welcome Home Saturday: How to easily stencil a sea grass basket

White Arrows Home / 4 Books To Read This Month

Welcome Home Saturday: 4 books to read this month

Noting Grace / 3 Quick Ways To Style A Spring Garland

Welcome Home Saturday: 3 quick ways to style a Spring garland

Seeking Lavender Lane / Bee-Utiful Decor

Welcome Home Saturday: Bee-Utiful Decor

The Ponds Farmhouse / How To Make Moss Shamrock Placemats

Welcome HOme Saturday With The Ponds Farmhouse

I hope you have a lovely weekend my friends! Stop by the blog next week (Wednesday)  for more Spring décor in our home! 



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  1. Hello! Happy spring! And thank you for mentioning the mammogram. As someone who’s been monitored for breast, lung, and spinal cancers (sheesh!), it’s so nice to not feel alone.

  2. I will be praying for you on getting your second shot! I had no problems on both of mine!
    I really love number 1 chair if I was picking but sure you will pick just the perfect chair for your decor.!
    Thanks for sharing all the great ideas for spring! And I really love the Target baskets!
    Have a great beautiful day!

    1. I sure do appreciate those prayers Margie! SO far so good…but we shall see! I love chair #1 too but I also love #2. I appreciate your input! Have a happy Spring and I hope you find the Target baskets!

  3. I’m creeping up on 40 and completely forgot that it in my near future. Thank you for the reminder and sharing a new blogger! I love finding new blogs!

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