Welcome Home Sunday October 25

Hi friends I’m so glad you stopped by today! If you are new here for our Welcome Home Sunday series, welcome! Each week my friends and I and a guest blogger, get together and share what we have been up to on each of our blogs. It’s a fun way to stay in the loop as well as explore new blogs you might like to follow!

Stone Gable & Open Doors Open Hearts

This week we are lucky to have two guest bloggers, Yvonne from Stone Gable,  and Aliya from Open Doors Open Hearts. Both of these ladies hold a special place in my heat. Yvonne has been a blogger I have looked up to for years! I was blessed to meet her two times, each at the Haven blogging conference. She is the queen of blogging and oh so kind!

Next is my dear friend Aliya. We have connected over on Instagram and share a love for Jesus, our families, football and blogging. I am so blessed to call her my friend and so thankful that these platforms have brought us together. 

Welcome Home Sunday

I hope you have some time to browse the lovely home decor and holiday inspiration each blogger shared below. At the end of this post I have a prayer request so make sure to scroll all the way down.

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

The Tattered Pew / Why Refinishing Your Cabinets Is A Good Idea

Decorating our newly updated kitchen for Fall!

White Arrows Home / Fall In The Garden

Welcome Home Sunday: Fall In The Garden

Noting Grace / $10 Ceiling Fan Update

Welcome Home Sunday: $10 ceiling fan update

Seeking Lavender Lane / Christmas Trends 2020

Welcome Home Sunday: Christmas Trends 2020

Sincerely, Marie Designs / Our Fall Porch At Dusk

Welcome Home Sunday: Our Fall Porch At Dusk

Stone Gable / 10 Things To Do Now For Christmas

Welcome Home Sunday: 10 Things to Do Now For Christmas

Open Doors Open Hearts / A Simple Beautiful Thanksgiving Table To Inspire Conversation

Welcome Home Sunday: Thanksgiving Dinner Table

Well friends I hope you enjoyed our Welcome Home Sunday round up today. I hope you have a wonderful week! Before you go can I ask you to pray for my beloved state of Colorado? The fires here are so bad currently that most days we have ash raining down all day and even some days the smoke is so bad that it’s dark at noon. Luckily we are about 9 miles away and have a reservoir between us and one of the 3 fires currently devastating Colorado. But many are not as lucky as us.

Pray for Colorado

We are supposed to get almost a foot of snow today and that would be amazing to help slow these fires down. Pray for our firefighters, for those who have had to be evacuated and those who have lost their homes. Thank you!



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  1. So glad the snow came to Colorado! We currently have a relative staying with us who was evacuated from Grand County. He had word his house did not burn but no word on when he can come home. Hope your home stays safe & the snow certainly improved our air quality
    Praying for all the firefighters, police, EMTs, national guard, and Athens who have been on the front lines, as well as keeping the vacant houses safe!

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