Welcome Home Sunday Week 72

 Hi friends! Welcome back for another week of our Welcome Home Sunday series! We have a fun round up of posts today that I hope you will enjoy!

This was our last week for teaching and school. On Monday I packed up my classroom for the summer. It was an emotional day seeing it so empty and so much left unfinished. Then on Tuesday I helped hand back bagged up items to our students. Unfortunately while doing this I had a large cart roll into my heel which resulted in me getting 3 stitches and a tetanus shot. Not fun! Then on Friday we had our last staff meeting. To say my emotions were all over the place would be an understatement! I’m not going to lie, these past few months having to do remote learning/teaching from home has been a bit crazy. Our year didn’t end the same as normal and that was sad. However, I am choosing to look on the bright side of things.

I saw this quote the other day and it really resonated with me…

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”  Dr. Seuss

An empty classroom...so sad.

I’m trying hard to smile under my mask! 🙂

Welcome Home Sunday

Today we have the pleasure of having Chloe of Celebrate and Decorate joining us as our guest blogger. Chloe is fun to follow over on her blog as well as her You Tube channel. She is the queen of tutorials and is constantly sharing fabulous tips and tricks with a coastal flare! Make sure to check out her post below as well as the others.

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!


Noting Grace / How To Make Old Shower Doors New Again

Welcome Home Sunday: How to make old shower doors new again!


Sincerely, Marie Designs / Planking Ceilings vs. Scraping

Welcome Home Sunday: Planking ceilings vs. scraping


The Tattered Pew / DIY Blue Hydrangea Wreath

Make this blue hydrangea wreath in just minutes using spray paint!


White Arrows Home / One Room Challenge Week 3: Lighting With Hunter Fan Company

Welcome Home Sunday: Hunter Fan Company


Celebrate and Decorate /Catalog Floral Swag Knock Off

Welcome Home Sunday Series with Celebrate and Decorate




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  1. What grade do you teach? It was so hard packing up my room without my firsties! So sad.

    1. Hey …love that your a teacher too! I teach kindergarten! I have taught first before…such a strange way to end the year. I feel your pain!

  2. Congratulations on the end of the school year. I know it was a challenge to teach these past few months. I taught for 26 years and when schools shut down, I was very glad that I was no longer in the classroom. The superintendent of my old school district is very progressive and did a great job with guiding the teachers to teach online but it was a lot of very hard work for them and they are all exhausted from it. I hope that your heel is better very soon.

    1. I didn’t know you were a teacher! Ye, it has been tough and exhausting to say the least. A bit nervous about what next year will look like…but praying rather than worrying. Thanks for stopping by Paula!

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