Welcome Home Sunday With Guest Jersey Girl In The South

 It’s Sunday, and here on the blog that means I get to share with you what my friends and I have been up to this week on each of our blogs. I reshared an old popular, and favorite post of mine since I was busy at school this week getting ready to start virtually tomorrow. I updated it to include a few new pictures and tips for a variety of hydrangeas. I hope you find it helpful!

This week we have Tracy from Jersey Girl In The South as our guest blogger. Tracy is sharing an incredible post all about how to add character with a faux brick wall. I have been friends with Tracy for several years now and she has inspired me with her interior design services and home staging. She is a wealth of knowledge and I know you will love her like I do!

Welcome Home Sunday

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

There are some great posts below from my friends. Enjoy browsing through them for inspiration!

White Arrows Home / Fall Decor: Transitioning from Summer to Fall

Welcome Home Sunday : Summer to Fall Decor

Noting Grace / Master Bathroom Makeover Video Tour

Welcome Home Sunday: Master bathroom makeover video

Seeking Lavender Lane / Coffee Table Styling 101

Welcome Home Sunday: Coffee Table Styling 101

Sincerely, Marie Designs / What I Hunt For In Antique and Thrift Stores

Welcome Home Sunday: What I hunt for in antique and thrift stores

The Tattered Pew / The Secret Tip For Drying Hydrangeas

How to decorate your home using basket.

Jersey Girl In The South /Add Instant Character With a Faux Brick Wall

Welcome Home Sunday with Guest Jersey Girl In The South

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping  by!



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