Welcome Home Sunday With The Frugal Homemaker

Oh how I love Sundays here on the blog. It’s a great meeting place for me to share a bit of what I have been up to. If you follow me over on Instagram then you know that last week I returned to my kindergarten classroom full time. It was an emotional, lovely, exhausting and overall blessed week.

A coffee and a sweet note from a parent!

Am I tired? Yep!

A sweet note from one of my students and accompanied by a flower!

But being with my kinders and hearing their joy to be in the classroom made it all worth it. Now just pray I make it through next week! Ha!

Welcome Home Sunday With The Frugal Homemaker

Each week I get together with my blogging buddies and we share our posts with you. I also love it when we have a guest! This week our guest is Christina from the Frugal Homemaker. Christina an I met over on Instagram and I always look forward to seeing her fun projects. Make sure to scroll to the bottom to read her board and batten tutorial!

Welcome Home Sunday

Have fun visiting each blog and their posts from this past week or weeks prior. Just click on the green titles to be taken to each individual blog. Make sure to leave comments and pin the ones you love!

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

Seeking Lavender Lane / Paint Colors For a 2021 Home

Welcome Home Sunday: Colors for your 2021 home

Sincerely, Marie Designs / How to Refinish Butcher Block Countertops

Welcome Home Sunday: How to refinish butcher block countertops

The Tattered Pew / Free 2021 Printable Planner

Free 2021 Printable Planner that you can download today!

White Arrows Home / Tips For Styling A Bookshelf

Welcome Home Sunday: Tips For Styling a Bookshelf

Noting Grace / Making Over A Music Room

Welcome Home Sunday: Making Over a music room

The Frugal Homemaker / How To Install Board and Batten Trim

Welcome Home Sunday: The Frugal Homemaker

So very thankful to have you here each and every Sunday! Have a blessed week ahead friends.



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  1. Love your Sunday posts…thank you! This retired high school teacher is cheering you on as you return to the classroom….thanks for sharing those sweet notes! Take care & stay safe!

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